Jin Yong Park, Dean of Konkuk Business School
- Introduction of the Dean
- Dean of Konkuk Business School: Jin Yong Park
- Office: Konkuk Business School Bldg, Room 310
- Tel: 02-450-3580
The story of KBS dates back to a humble non-profit infirmary that was founded by Dr. Seok-Chang Yoo (a.k.a. 常虛) in 1931 to provide affordable health care to the less fortunate. However, within a few years, Dr. Yoo found that investing in human capital would make much sense, subsequently turning his attention to raising future agricultural leaders.
In the context of the grim economic conditions of the 1930’s, Dr. Yoo’s ambition of creating a top-class agricultural college was truly remarkable and indeed ahead of his time. Yet his dedication to nurturing sincere, trustworthy and righteous leaders was hardly unnoticed by his friends; they later stood by him as ardent benefactors to his venture, joining the mission of being the number-one agricultural college in Korea. With their help, Dr. Yoo was able to acquire land plots suitable for diverse agricultural practices and seek out ingenious ways of financially supporting students for more than three decades, showcasing an unusual sense of business acumen and a trailblazing mindset despite the lack of major donors or land grants from the government.
We at KBS believe that reflecting his legacy and character into a modern perspective is important in instructing students, conducting research and interacting with business communities. As such, we want to produce competent students, generate practical business knowledge and expose our students to values of globalization so that they can be ethical leaders impacting international communities. In that sense, we view the AACSB accreditation process as a vital vehicle for refining what Dr. Yoo had envisioned many years ago and would therefore like to ‘stay always hungry’, as implied in Dr. Yoo’s nick name “Sanghuh”(常虛), in complying with AACSB standards.
Please do join us in making KBS a place for upbringing students of high caliber and conducting no-nonsense research as well as a trustworthy partner in the globalized community. Once again, we welcome you to Konkuk Business School!