CytoFlex Flow Cytometry Analyzer
제작사명 | 모델명
Beckman Coulter / CytoFLEX
○ 세포의 면역학적 특성을 분석할 뿐 아니라 세포의 물리적 특성(사이즈와 Granularity), 생화학적 그리고 생리학적
특성을 분석
○ Flow Cytometry는 동물세포 뿐만 아니라 미생물, 해양생물, 혈액등 다양한 샘플에 대한 분석을 수행할 수 있다.
○ 세포 내 특정 단백질 발현 분석부터 염색체 분석, 세포 수 분석, GFP(Green Fluorescence Protein)발현 분석에
이르기까지 광범위 하다. 또한 위의 분야 외에도 림프구아형검사(Lymphocyte immunophenotyping), Recticulocyte
Counting, Immuno Complex Analysis 등에서 사용
구성 및 기능
○ Composition
- Optic system I. Laser configuration
i. Blue Solid State Diode, 488nm, 50mW laser output
ii. Red Solid State Diode, 638nm, 50mW laser output
iii. Violet Solid State Diode, 405nm, 80mW laser output
- Sample Processing
i Flow Rate: Continuous pressure is applied to the sample tube based on user selected flow rate
(Low, Medium, High)
ii. Compatibility : 12 x 75mm tube, 1.5mL, 2.0mL microfuge tube
iii. Mixing : Automixing between samples
- Signal Processing
i. Dynamic Range : 24-bit data acquisition
ii. Workstation resolution: 16,777,216 channels
iii. Digital Sample Rate: 25MHz
- Performance Characteristics
i. Fluorescence Sensitivity Threshold Levels: FITC 30MESF PE 10MESF
ii.Acquisition Rate: 30,000 events per second
- Detectors
i. Forward Scatter Detector: Scatter performance is optimized for resolving lymphocytes,
monocytes, and granulocytes
ii. Side Scatter Detector: <300nm
iii. Violet Side Scatter Detector: <200nm
iv. Fluorescence Detectors: FL1~FL8 Fluorescent Detectors.
v. Spectra sensitivity (185nm-900nm)
○ Workstation
- Cytoflex software/ 4GB Ram/ 256GB HDD/ Intel 13 @ 2.9 GHz CPU/ 2016 Beckman Culter Korea Special Promotion