Raman spectrophotometer
제작사명 | 모델명
B&W TEK / i-Raman Prime 785
○ Identification or Verification Test of raw materials
○ Monitoring of Chemical reaction
○ Crystallization Processes
○ Blending Operations
○ Coating Processes
○ Polymorphic Transitions
구성 및 기능
○ Laser: 532/ 785/ 1064 nm
○ Laser power: 340 mW / 35 mW(532)
○ Spectral Range: 65~4200nm (532)
65~3350nm (785)
100~2500nm (1064)
○ Spectral resolution: 3.5~6.0nm
○ Detector: TE-Cooled High Quantum Detector Efficiency CCD Array -25° C
○ Integration Time: 100ms~30mins